Dec 25

By Filmore Ha (Ibaraki-ken, 2006-08).  Filmore continues to live and work in the Greater Tokyo Area and is webmaster for JETAA Tokyo, however he is looking for new opportunities in the U.S. or Canada.

Hope everyone had a great X-mas holiday!

  • New Years Volunteering OP w/ JETAA Portland
    2011 is coming to an end and 2012 is right around the corner.  Those lucky enough to have experienced a traditional New Years in Japan know what that means, it’s time for Osechi Ryori!  JETAA Portland is looking for volunteers to help prepare this year’s jubako (three layered food box) on Dec. 30-31, check the link above for more details if you’re interested and are in the area!
  • JETAANC FALL 2011 Newsletter
    JETAANC released its fall edition of it’s news letter Pacific Bridge, and chock full of interesting content! Check it out for ideas about how to celebrate “Japan in Your Neighborhood!”
  • JET Alum quoted in the Daily Yomiuri
    JET alum Michael Auslin is quoted in this Dec. 22nd article about regime change in Pyongyang.

    Washington should also tell Beijing that any move on China’s part to take advantage of the transition so as to leave it in an enhanced position on the peninsula would harm U.S.-China relations and result in a further bulking up of the U.S. military in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Videos, JET Program featured on KTSF-26 Oct. 9th 2011
    Via Peter Weber, JET Coordinator at the Consulate of Japan in San Francisco.  The JET Program was featured on KTSF-26’s Japanese American Journal program.  The videos, now available on YouTube, are embedded below.




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