JET alumni to revisit Tohoku to help boost tourism

Via Mainichi Daily News:
JET alumni to revisit Tohoku to help boost tourism
(photo caption: Greg Lekich and other volunteers are pictured in Tagajo, Miyagi Prefecture, on April 20. (Photo courtesy of Greg.))
TOKYO (Kyodo) — About 20 former English teachers and international relations coordinators at local government offices will revisit places in northeastern Japan, where they used to work, on a Japanese government program aimed at boosting tourism affected by the March 11 quake and tsunami, Japanese officials said Thursday.
As the first batch of the program participants, 14 alumni of the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program from Australia, Britain, Canada and the United States will make a weeklong visit to places of their former assignments in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures from Monday, they said.
The participants are required to write about their experiences and impressions of the current situation in the Tohoku region in their contributions to the media, including social networking sites Facebook and Twitter, the officials said.
The program will last for two months and the Japanese government is shouldering travel expenses for the JET alumni.
(Mainichi Japan) July 29, 2011
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