Ambassador Roos visits Monty Dickson’s school in Rikuzentakata, Iwate

From this morning’s Frontline Daily newsfeed:
Loose translation:
U.S. Ambassador to Japan Roos visited southern Iwate and Rikuzentakata on June 28 and dropped by Monty Dickson’s school, Yonezaki Elementary, to talk to the fifth grade class and the principal there. He was much beloved by everyone and loved the community much in return. Roos told the kids to come visit America when they grow up. He also met with the mayor and emphasized the strength of US-Japan relations, promising ongoing support for the rebuilding effort. He then observed the American NPO, All Hands Volunteers, who are helping build housing in and around Oofunato.
★ 犠牲米国人ゆかりの学校へ~ルース大使が被災地訪問
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