Volunteer to become a Host Family for Exchange Students from China, Korea or Japan

via Carleen Ben (Oita-ken 2006-2008) Carleen currently works as a Program Associate at The Laurasian Institution, a non-profit organization promoting international exchange programs between US – China, Japan, and Korea.
Volunteer Host Family:
Remember your time in Japan or as a study abroad student where you were welcomed by super amazing host families? Do you miss sharing your culture and learning about new ones??
Single parents, retirees, “empty nesters,” young couples with small children, as well as more traditional two parent families with teenagers/pets, all are currently sharing and enjoying the exchange experience!
If you are interested in hosting a student or know of someone who is interested, please email us at ayp@laurasian.org
We are looking for host families in all states throughout the US!
Students’ arrival date: August 13th 2011
End of the program: June 2012 (when host school’s term is over)
Host Families are important members of the U.S. Department of State’s citizen diplomats. If you are interested in being part of this program and the larger picture of supporting public diplomacy, please contact us! Feel free to ask us any questions. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Yoroshiku oneigaishimasu!
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