The Laurasian Institution Seeking Local Coordinators for HS Exchange Program (multiple states in the US)

via Carleen Ben (Oita-ken 2006-2008) Carleen currently works as a Program Associate at The Laurasian Institution, a non-profit organization promoting international exchange programs between US – China, Japan, and Korea.
Contribute to greater international understanding by offering exchange students the chance to realize their dream of attending an American high school for an academic year. Exchange students learn through experience about living in America while their host families and schools benefit by learning first hand about the customs and perspectives of the student in their care.
Join the staff of The Laurasian Institution (TLI) in creating the very best exchange environment for both students and families. Take pride in working with colleagues who share your commitment to quality exchange. Benefit from the flexibility of setting your own schedules and time commitments.
Selection of quality host schools and host families is key to achieving the program’s educational, cross-cultural, and public diplomacy goals, including helping the exchange student achieve familiarity with life in the U.S. and better understand American culture. Through your participation as a Local Coordinator you will be at the very heart of the program and a true ambassador for international understanding.
The Local Coordinator has the following responsibilities:
- Understand and comply with U.S. Department of State regulations governing high school exchange programs (will train);
- Understand The Laurasian Institution’s program processes and quality expectations;
- Identify quality high schools and secure permission to enroll TLI exchange students;
- Identify, screen, interview, and confirm excellent host families for the exchange students;
- Meet exchange students at the airport; orient the host families and students to the program and area;
- Maintain monthly contact with host schools, host families, and exchange students; provide monthly reports to TLI regarding the students’ progress;
- Arrange periodic gatherings of area exchange students; and
- Send off the exchange student at end of program year.
Desired Qualifications:
- Experience living outside of the U.S. or working with people from other countries
- Experience working with teenagers
- Experience mediating or counseling different parties
- Outgoing and connected to community
Stipend: $1,000 expense stipend for each exchange student for whom LC is responsible (This is a part-time/contract position)
Locations: Multiple states in the US
Parties interested in this position should submit a letter of interest and resume to
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