Taylor Anderson memorial service in Richmond, VA

The below was sent by JETAA DC to its members via its chapter yahoogroup:
We have extended the deadline for messages in Taylor Anderson’s condolence book until Friday, April 1 at 12 pm. It doesn’t matter if your message is long or short, profound or emotional, we encourage you to send it to jetaadc.311relief [at] gmail.com. Members of the JETAADC Board will present the condolence book to Taylor’s family at a service to be held in Richmond on Saturday.
For more information on Taylor’s life, her experiences on JET, and Saturday’s service, please visit the website of the Richmond-Times Dispatch<http://www.legacy. com/obituaries/ timesdispatch/ obituary. aspx?n=taylor- anderson& pid=149794411>.
The family asks that in lieu of flowers, a donation be made to the Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund for the purpose of rebuilding schools in Ishinomaki City. Donation information is available here: http://www.st. catherines. org/tayloranders on.
Leigh Ann Mastrini
Outreach Chair, JETAADC
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