Earthquake Tsunami, JETs in the News
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Mainichi Daily News: JET program English teachers in Miyagi say they won’t leave

An article from The Mainichi Daily News about the 1/3 of the 70 Miyagi Prefecture JETs who have chosen to stay in Miyagi and continue working for their communities.
The article quotes the following JETs:
- Katherine Sheu, 25, from Los Angeles, who has taught English at five elementary and junior high schools in Ishinomaki for the past three years.
- Edward Clemons, 25, from Chicago,is in his second year of teaching conversational classes for adults and school students in Kesennuma, another Miyagi city severely damaged by the disaster.
- Daniel Villeneuve (Canada), a Miyagi prefectural advisor for the assistant language teachers.
Full article here:
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