Calling JETAA Teachers Interested In Student Pen Pal Exchanges (Canada)

via JETAA Toronto. Posted by Dipika Soni (Ishikawa-ken, 2003-06). Dipika currently works as an in-house translator for PFU (a Fujitsu company) in Kahoku-shi, Ishikawa-ken. She is also the vocalist for the Japanese hardcore punk band DEGRADE.
*Note: If you apply for the following, please let them know you learned of it from JetWit. Thanks.
Calling JETAA Teachers Interested In Student Pen Pal Exchanges
The Consulate General of Japan would like to start a list of JET alumni who are now working as teachers in hopes of pairing them up with current JET participants in Japan who hope to establish pen pal relationships with students in Canada.
If you are interested in setting up a pen pal relationship, please indicate so in an e-mail with the following details:
Send to E-mail:
Subject Line: JETAA Pen Pals to Japan
Name: First and Last
Link to JETAA Toronto website:
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