Visit Japan: February in Japan

The Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) provides rather helpful travel information for JETs and non-JETs alike, whether you’re traveling to or around Japan or helping a friend or relative plan their trip. If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at their website at
Below is a recent item from the Visit Japan Facebook page:
Kisaragi, the old Japanese name for the month of February, is a contracted form of kinu sara gi, which means “wear still more clothes.”
Setsubun – celebrated on February 3 or 4 – is a favorite annual celebration among Japanese children. On this night, children fill a wooden cup with roasted soybeans and run around throwing them at an oni, or devil, (usually played by the dad) and shouting “Oni wa soto; fuku wa uchi!” This translates as “Out with the devil; in with good fortune!”
The only national holiday in Kisaragi, though, is National Foundation Day on February 11. This is the date calculated to be the day on which Jimmu – the first emperor of Japan – was enthroned, according to the Nihon Shoki (Chronicles of Japan).
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