JET alum seeks funding for “Bound in Japan,” a community book art project

Via the JETAA DC email list, information about an interesting project created by Kieu Lam (Kagoshima-ken, 2003-06):
Dear Fellow JETs and Friends of Japan,
I am writing to let you know about Bound in Japan, a community book art project that I am producing.
I am a former JET and, like so many of you, have come to love Japan and consider it a second home. As you are aware, establishing a new life and community in Japan presents many challenges, and opportunities for exchange amongst native and non-native residents are important. Bound in Japan will offer a unique opportunity for this kind of engagement.
I plan on going to Japan in the summer of 2011 and will be teaching book art workshops for mainly non-native residents. These participants will create original book art about their experiences living in Japan, and this book art will be organized as an exhibition. Through this creative process, Bound in Japan aims to promote intercultural exchange and understanding in a Japanese society that is slowly but steadily becoming more multi-ethnic.
In order to make the book art workshops widely accessible and to incorporate as many voices as possible, these workshops will be offered at no cost to participants. It is necessary to raise funds to cover expenses for workshops and the exhibition as well as travel and living expenses in Japan. There are few grants available for an individual artist to produce a project like Bound in Japan, especially abroad, and these grants have become even more competitive. Although I am still researching and applying for grants, the success of Bound in Japan depends on the generosity of people like you.
A community project needs the support of the community. If you believe that art can transform communities and enrich lives, you can help make Bound in Japan a success. Please consider making a donation today. Your contribution will enable individuals like yourself—people who consider Japan home—to participate in a creative exchange that will promote dialogue on diversity.
Bound in Japan is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions on behalf of Bound in Japan may be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
- Explore the website and learn more about the project: http://boundinjapan .com
- To make an online donation, please visit the Bound in Japan campaign page: http://www.indiegog in-Japan
I plan to work with local organizations in Japan to coordinate book art workshops. These organizations will be those whose mission includes services for non-native residents and the promotion of intercultural exchange. If you know of an organization that would be interested in working with Bound in Japan or if you would like to help organize a Bound in Japan workshop in your community, please contact me at tknlam@gmail. com. I will be based in Tokyo but will consider traveling to other areas of Japan.
Thank you very much for your generous support.
Wishing you all a warm and happy holiday.
Kieu Lam
Kagoshima 2003-2006
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