Researcher needs JET alum help with interesting survey

I recently had an interesting conversation with Justin Kraemer, a PhD student at Rutgers University, who is conducting research on how Japanese and local employees in the U.S. build trust within Japanese companies. Justin needs more respondents, so if there are any JET alums out there who work for Japanese companies in the U.S., please get in touch with him. It’s a very worthy research topic, and it would also reflect nicely on the JET alumni community to play a helpful role.
Japanese-American Research with JET Alumni in Mind
Trustful relationships at work are the foundation on which performance is achieved. However, building such relationships may be particularly complex when employees come from different national cultures. To better understand intercultural relationship-building and to highlight Japan in the conversation about East and West, cross-cultural researchers from the Business School at Rutgers University are studying how Japanese and local employees build trust within Japanese companies in the USA. JetWit is enthusiastic about this partnership as the work of these researchers has been endorsed by the Honjo International Scholarship Foundation, the Japanese-American Association of New York and the Japanese-American Association of Kentucky (JASK).
These researchers are now seeking Japanese firms in the USA to supplement the number of Japanese firms which have already agreed to participate. Though certain things must be included in this Japanese-local “matched-set” survey, this would be a great opportunity to better understand the opinions of employees in your Japanese firm. As it stands, the survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. Though a traditional paper-and-pencil deployment would be preferred, online deployment can be arranged. In any case, there will be no direct costs for participation as all expenses related to the research will be paid by the researchers.
With at least a handful of individual participants, each participating firm will receive anonymous data from its own employees as well as select aggregated data from all participating companies. An in-person presentation of results can also be organized. We look forward to discussing how this research project can benefit your company.
Please direct inquiries to:
Primary Researcher: Justin Kraemer
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