Nov 22

New JET Alum China-Chinese Connection group on LinkedIn

With the economic rise of China, there are an increasing number of JET alums who live in China, do work related to China, have an interest in China or speak or want to learn Chinese.  On top of this, there are already a number of JET alums who have a connection to Chinese culture.

As a way to connect JET alums and friends of JET who share this connection, there’s now a new LinkedIn group you can join called:

JET Alum China/Chinese Connection.”

This admittedly awkwardly-named group is an attempt to encompass all of the above and create a way to help each other out in various ways.  For example…

  • You’re planning a trip to China or want to work in China and want to find other JET alums there to talk to in advance.
  • You live in China and want to link up with other JET alums, or better yet, start a JETAA chapter there
  • You want to learn Chinese and learn about creative study approaches for people who aren’t intimidated by the whole “kanji” thing
  • You’re just curious about the intersection of JET alums and China

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