JET ROI: MOFA State Secretary Mr. Koichi Takemasa’s comments upon meeting with JETAA members

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) State Secretary Mr. Koichi Takemasa recently met with a group of JET alumni in New York to learn first hand about JET and the JET Alumni Association. Following the meeting, State Secretary Takemasa posted comments regarding the meeting on both the MoFA website as well as on his own blog. Below is a translation of key comments from the posts. (Special thanks to Kumi Mastsumoto of the Consulate for her help in obtaining the translations):
1. MOFA Website Comments
From the official report of State Secretary Takemasa’s visit to the United States on MoFA’s website. (Full link here:
2. (6) 日米人物・文化交流
特にこれまでのJET出身者が米国内で対日理解や日米交流の発展に果たしている役割について積極的な評価を共有。English translation of the last sentence of Section 2, Paragraph (6): “We both positively recognized that JET returners have contributed to promoting understanding of Japan in the US and fostering people to people exchange between the two countries.”
2. Personal Blog of Koichi Takemasa
Here is what Secretary of State Takemasa wrote about his meeting with JETAA members on his personal blog (link to post:
その後、JETの経験者で作られるJETAAのNY支部の皆さんと意見交換。 JET通じて得たもの、帰国後それを伝えていること、また、新しいJETメンバーの選考や送り出しに協力をしていること。そして、事業仕分けで総務所所管のクレアが対象になったことで、JET制度そのものの存続に危機感を持っていること、などを聞く。
“I had a meeting with the members of JET Alumni Association in New York . There, I heard comments about how much they learned from the JET experience, how they have been sharing their experience to others after they came back and how they have been cooperating in the screening and training process of the new JETs. Referring to the fact CLAIR (JLGC) under Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications was put on the chopping block, they showed their strong concern in the future of JET program.”
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