Jul 13

via the JETAA Western Japan Linkedin group:

The Kurashiki Municipal Board of Education in Kurashiki, Okayama is currently accepting applications for one native English teacher to work in junior high school. Applicants must be native English speakers, have lived in Japan for a minimum of 6 months, and possess a university degree. The Board of Education hires instructors directly, and all training is performed in-house.

The contracted employment date begins September 1, 2010 through March, 2011, with the possibility for renewal.

The application deadline in July 23, 2010. Selected applicants must be able to interview in person. Due to the urgent nature of this opening, only applicants currently possessing an Instructor’s visa, Spouse of a Japanese National visa, or Permanent Resident status will be considered.

For more information on the program and to download an application form, please refer to the homepage at: http://www.city.kurashiki.okayama.jp/net/

Questions may be directed to: Ms. Yumi Egi or Ms. Andrea Miyata

one comment so far...

  • Stephen Langley Said on November 7th, 2011 at 7:49 pm:

    Dear Andrea,

    I hope you and your husband are doing well. You may remember us from our Tamano days.

    Congrats on your posting in Kurashiki NET. The previous Langford guy was a real gem and heard there were many problems with the the teachers relations if one can believe the posting on the NET.

    I applied for the position in the past when he was in charge and was told I was too old. Then the year after they told me the age requirement was not important and to apply again which I did and never found out what was wrong with my application if anything.

    I teach in Kurashiki now at Kawasaki Univ. I also teach in H.S. in Okayama etc. I would like to know if the application process can be streamlined so repeat applicants like myself. For example, could I come in and talk to you dirrectly about the job.

    I feel Kurashiki has many good local teachers that could help and live nearby that are not utilized and big programs like yours can overlook them and bring in people from far away who are not connected to the community ( we own a home here) and thus feel no loyalty to your program and leave after a short time thus causing you to spend lots of time searching for teachers every year.

    If I am inncorrect please do enlighten me . I would like to help out in your program and could teach full time from next year but do not want to go through the laborious application only to have no answer or get an answer that is really infuriating ( I contacted them about my age before applying a few years ago and they told me it was not a problem and then after applying was told it was…I am 47).


    Stephen Langley
    Permanent Resident of Japan

    PS: Have a nice day.

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