JETAA Northern California launches its new website!

Update: Turns out that JETAA Southern California has also recently updated its website: (can’t tell if it’s Joomla, WordPress or something else) (Thanks to JETAA SC Prez Jason Porath for the update.)
This just in from JETAA Northern California:
Hey everyone,
After talking about it at the national conference for I don’t know how long, our new website is finally up (! Check it out and let us know what you think.
Rod McLeod
JETAANC President
Meanwhile, JetWit has checked out the new JETAA Northern California website and thinks it’s cho-beri kakkou ii. We also voted for “Easier Navigation” as our favorite thing about the new site. But feel free to vote as you see fit.
On the website topic, you may notice that JETAA Northern California is using Joomla (an open source Content Management System) for its website. Several other JETAA chapters use Joomla as well. Meanwhile, JETAA NY and a few other chapter sites use WordPress (a blog program which is also a Content Management System for all intent and purpose). Together, Joomla and WordPress do seem to be the most popular choices among chapters. The primary reason being that they have nice layouts and, once set up, multiple users can easily participate in adding content rather than having to rely on one webmaster to add content each time.
The issue of websites and content management systems will be further discussed at the end of January at the Regional Conference being hosted by JETAA Portland (which I just noticed doesn’t use either Joomla or WordPress). JETAA NY and JetWit webmaster Lee-Sean Huang will be there to contribute to the conversation along with several other knowledgeable and tech-savvy JET alums.
What does your chapter use? How do you feel about it? Do you have a preference between Joomla and WordPress, or something else altogether? Share your comments below. There’s no one right answer, so the more feedback provided, the better we’ll all be served in the long run.
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