Oct 22

JETAA Florida activities: Monthly meeting, Orlando Japan Festival and call for Newsletter submissions

Via JETAA Florida:

Hello everyone.  Here are two upcoming JETAA events I’d like you all to be aware of.

  • This week Sunday, the 25th at 7:00 pm I will host our monthly meeting at Stardust Coffee in north Orlando. If this is too late for you please give me a shout as I am willing to start a little bit earlier if this would accommodate more people.  The address of Stardust is: 842 E Winter Park Rd, Orlando, FL
  • On Sunday, November 8th from 12:00 to 5:00 pm the Orlando Japan Festival will take place in Hunters Creek village in south Orlando.  This is a great festival, that attracts big crowds, and has a ton of stuff to see, as well as eat.  I’d like to make this our o-kaeri-kai for the recent returnees.  Afterwards I was thinking of renting out the karaoke room at Aki restaurant in Orlando.  Please reply back if you are interested so I can look into making a reservation. http://www.orlandojapanfestival.com
  • Finally, I’m requesting contributions for our chapter newsletter.  I am going to write a couple of articles myself, but it would be great to have some more input from the rest of our members.  If you would like to promote something Japan related here in Florida, or submit a Japan related article please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

Tom Gregorich


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