Events: JETAA Toronto Upcoming Events Digest (Toronto)

JetWit job poster Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08) learned of the following events through the JETAA Toronto newsletter and thought they might be of interest to former JETs in the Toronto area. Stephen is a translator based in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Ken, and he periodically posts job listings and event information for JET alumni.
Japanese Class
If you’d like a fun, casual environment where you can keep up your Japanese language skills, then sign up for JETAA Toronto’s Japanese conversation class.
Classes are conducted in Japanese, and are led by beloved long-time teacher, Sugimoto-sensei.
Conversation level is intermediate, but a lot of individual attention means that beginner and advanced students will also enjoy the class.
Monday nights starting Sept 28
WHAT: 10 sessions; 2 hours each
WHERE: Toronto Reference Library at Yonge & Bloor
WHO: Former JET participants only
COST: $60 to be paid by the second class
Interested parties should contact Sonia.
Re-Entry Seminar
The re-entry seminar is an annual day-long event, put on by JETAA and volunteers to help returning JETs transition back into life in Canada. Topics cover Reverse Culture Shock, career advice, and networking skills. This year, the event is on Saturday, Sept 26 and the organizers are looking for volunteers and a keynote speaker. If you are interested in helping out at this event and possibly speaking as the keynote or on one of these other topics, please contact Amy.
All newly-returned JETs should have been invited to this re-entry seminar, but if you missed your invite for any reason, or came back in the middle of the year last year, e-mail your JET coordinator Marcia.
Shigo.TO Career Fair
We all know that JETs can offer a lot. They’ve got Japanese language skills, Japanese business experience, international experience, and cultural sensitivity. If you are looking to hire a genki former JET with these skills, be a part of the annual Shigo.TO career fair.
Companies from last year’s career fair include: Verge Magazine, Japan Airlines, Manpower, Mitsui-Sumitomo Bank, Pasona, Ozawa Canada, Canada-Japan Society, Dixie Toyota, Ontario Public Service, and Ernst and Young.
If you are a company or association interested in having a free booth at this year’s Career Fair, please contact the organizers via e-mail.
And for those of you who are looking for a job, or just want to meet some of these companies, brush up your resume and come to the Japan Foundation on Oct 16. Entry is free for all.
DAY:Friday, Oct 16
TIME: Sometime in the evening, exact details to be confirmed
WHERE: The Japan Foundation, 131 Bloor West, Toronto, ON
Interested parties can contact the organizers via e-mail for more details.
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