I Survived Watching “I Survived a Japanese Game Show” 8.5.09
This week after watching a game involving trampolines and contestants wearing gorilla gloves and popping balloons on the ceiling, the two teams are separated into separate days’ activities.
The women’s team appeared on the Zoom In morning show. And the guys’ team had to work for a bento delivery company. Watching them ride around on bikes, making a late delivery to an irate customer after getting lost and then accept payment from an old woman of about $70 in change was actually kind of neat.
The net effect of the show seems to consistently be to make Japan feel a little more real and accessible. Kind of ironic since the gameshow part of the show accomplishes the exact opposite.
Update: Japanese Defense Minister Yuriko Koike is on the show?!
Update: Sticky floors and biting squid heads!?
Update: Cathy wins!!! Bring on the “Omedetou Mob” (same guys as the Sayonara Mob but in white suits.)
Ok, I admit it. I’m hooked just as the show is ending. Great season finale. O-tsukara sama deshita.
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