JET-oriented scholarships?

Can anyone recommend any scholarships (or organizations/institutions that are good sources of scholarships) that might appeal to JETs/JET alums in addition to the ones listed below? If so, please post in the comments section, or feel free to e-mail directly to jetwit [at] jetwit [dot] com. We’ll make a more complete list available after getting responses.
- Monbusho
- Monterey Institute
- McGill MBA
- JAIMS (Japan-America Institute of Management Science)
- Temple University Japan campus MBA
- JLGC summer in Japan
- Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships (Thanks to Shannon Quinn, former JETAA Pacific Northwest President, former JETAA USA Country Rep and currently the ALT Advisor to MEXT in Tokyo.)
Update #2:
A few more scholarships, thanks to Kia Cheleen (CIR, Aichi-ken 1996-98, ALT 1998-1999), Associate Director at the Donald Keene Center on Japanese Culture at Columbia University.
Japan Foundation — grants for Ph.D. studies, short-term research, Japan-related organizations who need funding for Arts & Culture or Japanese Studies projects:
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission Translation Prize (administered through Columbia University’s Donald Keene Center of Japanese Culture):
Shicho Fellowship for Graduate Study in Japan (adminstered through Columbia University’s Donald Keene Center of Japanese of Japanese Culture; only open to Columbia U grad students):
National Endowment for the Humanities (Fellowships: Advanced Social Science Research on Japan):
Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission (fellowship program, creative artists’ program, etc.):
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