Jun 8

Where do you get your “Japan fix”?

pockyvendingThis is a call out to JET alumni in chapters everywhere about where you get your “Japan fix,” i.e., where you go in your town or region to feel connected with Japan, whether through food, karaoke, cultural activities or interacting with Japanese people.

The goal is to end up with a collection of “Japan fix” articles from different JET alumni chapters and from JET alumni in different cities and towns throughout the U.S., Canada, UK, Australia and anywhere else.  (Well, except in Japan, where you get your Japan fix pretty much every day.)

The purpose is to aid JET alums who live or are planning to move to a certain area.  A great way to know where to go for things Japanese in your new home town.  And a great way to use our collective JET alum brains to help each other out.

JETAA Montreal is already working on the first one.  If you want to write one for your chapter, subchapter, town, state, province, etc., feel free to get in touch.  Or just write it and email it to Steven at jetwit [at] jetwit [dot] com and put “Japan Fix” in the subject heading.

Yoroshiku and gambarimashou!

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