JetWit Blog Beat by Crystal Wong

JetWit Blog Beat by Crystal Wong (Iwate-ken, 2002-04) is a recurring item featuring posts from the blogs of various JET alumni. Crystal is a formerEnglish-language writer for Kyodo News. She now works as a media planner in Chelsea and sorely misses all her favorite midtown ramen joints.
We’re well into spring, the flowers and trees are blossoming and likewise the JET blogosphere is busier than ever! Check it:
We have an awesome new addition to the blog roll, from JET alum Toby Weymiller, currently residing in lovely Hokkaido with his wife Maiko and cat Bomber. He has some amazing photos up of his new house to be, and is also organizing workshops around each phase of the house build. Check it out if you’re lucky enough to be in the neighborhood.
Writer Kelly Luce (Kawasaki, 2002-2003) is another recent addition to the blogroll. Follow her literary adventures here.
Author Suzanne Kamata, (Tokushima-ken, 1988-90) shares news of her winning weekend in Tokyo, where she found out that both her books, Call Me Okaasan and Losing Kei were nominees in the 2009 Next Generation Indie Book Awards right on the heels of the launch party for her new book.
Also, if you’re thinking ahead to August, Robert Weston (Nara-ken, 2002-2004) will be at the Kidspark Festival in Kitchener, Ontario in August.
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