Apr 22

Job: Full-time Translator J>E for consulting firm (NY)

This job listing is from a seasoned Japan hand (i.e., not from Craigslist) who asked me to share it with the JET alum community.  If you apply, please mention that you saw the listing on the WIT Group or on JetWit:

Translator, Japanese to English.

Small company specializing in Japanese/English communications, research, and industry monitoring seeks to hire an experienced translator whose native language is English and who has excellent writing skills in English. Familiarity with IT and pharmaceutical industries a plus but not required. We are seeking someone who is responsible, eager to learn about new fields, and works well with colleagues and clients. Collegial atmosphere with American and Japanese colleagues. Midtown Manhattan location. Competitive salary and health insurance benefits.

Please send resume and cover letter to translator [at] msapr [dot] com.

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