Apr 11

Event: Hanami Party (Toronto, ON)

JetWit job poster Stephen Palanik (Fukushima Ken, 2004-08) learned of the following event through the JETAA Toronto April newsletter and thought it might be of interest to former JETs in the Toronto area. Stephen is a translator based in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka Ken, and he periodically posts job listings and event information for JET alumni.

Come out to the third annual Hanami Party in High Park. Forget the rain of 2008 and the bare trees of 2007, this year’s cherry blossom viewing promises to be the best yet!

All JETs, family, and friends are invited to attend JETAA’s High Park party. Bring your favourite hanami snacks or enjoy some of the refreshments provided by JETAA Toronto.

DATE: Sunday, May 3
TIME: 2:00 pm
REMEMBER TO BRING: Snacks, outdoor toys (ie: Frisbee), and something to sit on
MEETING PLACE: Meet at Picnic Spot #8 in High Park.
TO GET THERE BY TTC: From High Park station, walk south into the park about 10 mins. You’ll see a cluster of picnic tables on your left with a sign that says Picnic Spot #8. A ravine will be on your right. If you walk past Grenadier Restaurant, you’ve gone too far.
TO GET THERE BY CAR: Enter High Park via the Bloor Street entrance. Park at Grenadier Restaurant. Picnic Spot #8 is just to the right of the restaurant.

For additional details and to RSVP, please contact Adrian.

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