A fond farewell to JETAA Liaison Shinya Bando

Today is Shinya Bando’s last day working at the Japan Local Government Center (aka CLAIR) in New York City. He is returning to Tokyo in two days and then on to his home prefecture of Wakayama for his next assignment after spending the last two years in New York. His first year he served as the JETAA USA Liaison (among other roles), and this past year he served in an overseer role for both JETAA USA & Canada.
In addition to all of his support and encouragement for JETAA, JET alums who know him and had a chance to interact with him always appreciated his easygoing style, ever-present smile and warm nature.
The always-ganbatte-ing Taichi Hanzawa will take over Bando-san’s role as the JETAA USA & Canada overseer and will also serve as the JETAA Canada Liaison. Also pictured below is the wonderful and talented Ryoko Kobayashi, who served this past year as the JETAA Canada Liaison and will provide additional support to JETAA USA and Canada. Arriving May 6 will be Kawamura-san who will serve as the new JETAA USA Liaison.
O-tsukare sama deshita, Bando-san!

Taichi Hanzawa, Shinya Bando and Ryoko Kobayashi
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