Japanese Violinist Sayaka Shoji at Carnegie Hall April 6

Thanks to JETAA DC President Michelle Spezzacatena for sharing this. See below for both English and Japanese versions of the event info:
Performance by Japanese Violinist
Sayaka Shoji庄司紗矢香
Monday, April 6, 2009
At Carnegie Hall
(Weill Recital Hall)
57th Str. & 7th Ave.
On Monday evening, April 6, 2009, the S&R Foundation is sponsoring a concert at Carnegie Hall in New York City by an extraordinary Japanese violinist, Sayaka Shoji. Sayaka will be performing with pianist Julien Quentin.
Sayaka Shoji was a 2006 winner of the S&R Washington Award. Founded in 2000, the S&R Foundation (www.sandr.org) supports the arts and sciences, with a focus on US-Japan relations.
In celebration of this young violinist presenting her first solo recital at the prestigious Carnegie Hall, the S&R Foundation is making tickets available directly to the Japan-related community at a discounted price of $20.00.
To purchase these discounted tickets, please contact the S&R Foundation office directly at 240-223-0630 or email jsimms@sandrtech.com
We hope that you will join us at Carnegie Hall on April 6 for an evening of beautiful music with Sayaka Shoji and Julien Quentin.
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S&R財団では、この若き芸術家、庄司紗矢香氏のカーネギーにおける初めてのソロリサイタルを祝い、日本に関わりのある皆様に特別に$20という割引価格にてチケットをお譲りさせて頂きたいと存じております。ご興味の方はS&R財団 (電話240-223-0630またはメールjsimms@sandrtech.com)まで直接お問い合わせください。
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