Lend a hand for the JETAA NY Quarterly Magazine Stuff ‘n Mail
Justin Tedaldi (CIR Kobe-shi, 2001-02) is about to publish the first issue of the JETAA NY Quarterly Magazine (f/k/a the “Newsletter”) under his new tenure. Come out and help, hang with other JET alums and support a JETAA NY activity.
WHAT: JETAA NY Stuff n’ Mail for the winter 2009 “New” issue of JETAA NY Quarterly
WHERE: Japan Local Government Center, 3 Park Ave. (at 34th Street), 20F
WHEN: Wednesday, Feb. 4, after 6:00 p.m.
WHY: Officially, to help stuff envelopes and mail them to your fellow JETs. But also…
-To get a first-hand look at our “New” issue, now rebranded as a magazine
-To enjoy free free pizza and drinks at the JLGC’s new location
-To chill out with other JETs and take the party over to Caliente Cab Co. for an informal nomikai (488 Third Avenue and corner of 33rd Street). Margaritas and Central American beer the house specialty.
-For the truly dedicated, a chance to hear about potential assignments already planned for our next spring issue, so you can write the really cool stories!
RSVP with Justin at magazine /atto/ jetaany /dotto/ org before the end of Tuesday, Feb. 3 to ensure the right amount of pizza for all.
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