Swirly Swirl Dates – an intercultural dating experience

Even in such a melting pot as the U.S. is known to be, who’d actually understand how difficult it is to meet single people from other cultures?
SwirlySwirlDates does!
If you’re ready to step out of your comfort zone and date outside of your race, SwirlySwirlDates provides you with the opportunity to do just that!
SwirlySwirlDates is a speed dating company which attracts an interesting mix of charming, educated and motivated singles and we promote and encourage diversity among its members.
As a participant, you get to chat with someone new every 6 minutes at an event. In order for the contact information to be exchanged, the people you have picked must also have chosen you. After your initial meeting, you will be able to engage in SwirlySwirlMessages – a special feature on the website which allows its members to contact other compatible members.
Speed dating is all about having fun and meeting new people. Whether you’re looking for a causal or a meaningful relationship, you will find plenty of people, with different backgrounds and yet similar interest, at SwirlySwirlDates’ events.
*Sign up now and apply a 20% off coupon code: 6N68N6 for upcoming events this month!
Have fun and good luck!
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