Event at Center on Japanese Economy and Business: Lessons from the Japanese Bubble for the U.S.

Thanks to CJEB’s Jennifer Olayon (Nagasaki-ken, 1999-2000) for passing this along.
Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School Panel Discussion:
Lessons from the Japanese Bubble for the U.S.
Takeo Hoshi, Pacific Economic Cooperation Professor in International Economic Relations, School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, University of California, San Diego
Paul Sheard, former Global Chief Economist, Lehman Brothers
Michael Woodford, John Bates Clark Professor of Political Economy, Economics Department, Columbia University
David E. Weinstein, Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy, Economics Department, Columbia University; Associate Director of Research, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School
Wednesday, November 19
4:30 – 6:00PM
Uris Hall, Room 301, 3022 Broadway
Co-sponsored by the Program on Alternative Investments, Center on Japanese Economy and Business of Columbia Business School; Columbia University’s Program for Economic Research and the Weatherhead East Asian Institute
For more information and registration details, please visit www.gsb.columbia.edu/cjeb
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