JETAA NY Newsletter: JET Alumni 2008 Election Survey

Welcome to the second-ever JET Alumni Election Survey! Forty-five people from around the U.S. and representing over 30 prefectures responded to “vote” and share their thoughts.
The survey was conducted anonymously using SurveyMonkey, all responses were received between 9/10 and 10/6 (i.e., before the economy started imploding) and an effort was made to make the survey available to as many chapters as possible. In other words, it’s completely un-scientific. That said, it’s still fun to do, so see the results below.
- McCain – 3
- Obama – 37
- Ron Paul – 1
- Undecided – 4
Ron Paul
***Ron Paul…real change. My experiences in Japan have provided me with a much different perspective since “return,” made me more receptive to initially intimidating political and economic ideas. I left the American Matrix for a while, and now there is no falling back to sleep.
***I’m torn on the issue. At this point I could see myself voting for either party. Originally I planned on voting for Obama, but recently I do not like how his camp has been handling the issue of McCain choosing Palin as VP. I really could see the Republicans winning again. Since I live in California the state will go Democrat, so either way I guess it doesn’t matter all that much.
***Undecided! I’m pretty liberal but I don’t know about Obama’s track record. Also, I have guiltily fallen for Palin…I want to read up more on each candidate’s fiscal plans and then will probably vote with my wallet.
***Undecided. Agree with McCain more on economics, Obama more on social issues and foreign policy.
***Undecided: Swore I would not vote another Republican into office, but they picked the one guy I might consider. I like Obama the man, but am afraid about some of the stuff he is saying: taxes, trade, spending, healthcare, etc.
***McCain/Palin all the way! I’m a Democrat and Hillary supporter who can’t fathom voting for a candidate who has such little experience. That his ego prevented him from picking Hillary as VP was the final straw.
***My friends and I were so frightened when Palin was picked as McCain’s VP that we created a site ( with a compilation of comics about the presidential election in hopes of getting the apathetic to vote. So in other words, I’m voting for Obama.
***Another 20-35 year old white male for OBAMA! (Take that, pollsters!) He is the first candidate in my lifetime who has inspired me with a vision of an America for all. I think he can restore our country’s place in this world as a leader in diplomacy and justice and allow us globetrotting Yankees to lift our heads in pride again.
***Hopefully a third party candidate… otherwise, Obama. In NY, I vote third party as the Democrats will win the NY electoral college, but I want to send a message that our choices are not good enough. If Obama is the best choice, there really is a problem with America.
***I’m an Obama-mama!
***Obama — being female, I am slightly excited at the possibility of having a female VP, though not enough to endure another term (or possibly two) of Republican policies. They will not get my vote just because Palin is a woman :-)
***Obama More honest, stands for what I believe in.
***Obama’s presidency will be a huge and much-needed rebranding of America’s image abroad and will hopefully inject more rational thinking into our domestic and foreign policy.
***Obama FTW!!! [Translation: For The Win]
***Obama. He’s got the greater vision, and, it appears more lately, the greater integrity. McCain has really lost me by aligning himself more with Bush over the years. And the Rovian defamation tactics he’s turning to in this campaign are just gross. Yet another signal of his Bush-like stance. We need to move far beyond what we’ve had for eight years.
***Obama. I don’t really believe in the two-party system, although I was a Kucinich supporter early on. I just don’t want McCain to win. That would be the beginning of the Republicans’ 1,000-year Reich.
California – Obama 5, Ron Paul 1, Undecided 2
Connecticut – Obama 1
D.C.-Obama 1
Georgia – Obama 1
Japan – McCain 1, Obama 1
Maryland – Obama 1
New Jersey – Obama 2
No State Indicated – Obama 5
New York – McCain 2, Obama 15, Undecided 2
Virginia – Obama 1
Washington – Obama 4
A completely useless statistic, other than to note that 28 prefectures were represented by 45 respondents.
Aichi – Obama 1
Akita – Obama
Aomori – Obama
Chiba – Obama 2
Ehime – Obama
Friend of JET – McCain
Fukuoka – McCain
Gifu – Obama
Gunma – Obama
Hiroshima – Ron Paul
Hokkaido – Obama
Hyogo – McCain 1, Obama 1, Undecided 1
Ibaraki – Obama
Iwate – Obama
Kanagawa – Obama
Kobe – Obama 2
Kumamoto – Obama 1, Undecided 1
Kyoto – Obama
Nagano – Obama 3
Nara – Obama
Oita – Obama
Saga – Obama 3
Saitama – Obama 2, Undecided 2
Shizuoka – Obama 3
Tokushima – Obama 2
Tottori – Obama
Toyama – Obama
Yamaguchi – Obama
Yamanashi – Obama
None Indicated – Obama
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