JETAA DC Career Forum – Tuesday, Oct 21

2008 JETAA Career Night & Welcome Back Reception
JETAA DC is hosting its Career Night and Welcome Back Reception on Tuesday, October 21. Click “Read More” for details.*This event is only for former JET Program alumni. Due to space
limitations, Friends of JET (FOJ) and/or other guests are not allowed.*
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Career Night: 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
– Special Appearance by Ambassador Fujisaki –
(Due to security for the Ambassador, please plan to arrive by 5:50)
Reception: 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
At Career Night two separate panels, moderated by JETAA DC Outreach
Chair, Justin Manger, will offer valuable advice on job hunting,
networking, and how to utilize the skills gained through JET in your
career. The first panel will focus on various fields while the second
panel will focus on specifically Japan-related jobs. We will allow some
time for Q&A but encourage further mingling and networking during the
reception portion of the evening. We plan to distribute a list of guests
and their contact information so attendees can easily identify one
another for networking purposes. (*See note below)
Confirmed Panelists:
Amy Baskin, US Foreign Service
Susan Gundersen, Institute of International Education
David Nakamura, Washington Post
William Williams, Booz Allen Hamilton
Winston Floyd, United States Enrichment Corporation (USEC)
Marc Jackson, Department of State
Chiyo Kobayashi, Washington CORE
Embassy of Japan
Old Ambassador’s Residence
2520 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008
Please RSVP
to jet@embjapan. org by October 16, 2008 with the following information:
1. Name
2. What years you were on JET
3. What prefecture you were in
4. Workplace, job title, e-mail address*
*If you would like your information available to other reception guests
for networking purposes.
Business Casual
Street Parking
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