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Top 10 Resume Blurbs

In the spirit of the JETAA NY Career Forum (held yesterday at the Nippon Club), I thought it might be appropriate to post a topical Top 10 List from the Fall 2002 JETAA NY Newsletter. (Thanks to Clara Solomon for using it as a hand-out for her presentation on resumes, which reminded me of the existence of this list.)
Top 10 JET Resume Descriptions: What They Say…… And What They Really Mean
- Says: Functioned as liason for city relations and internationalization efforts.
- Means: Got hammered with city employees and guests while singing numerous renditions of “Love Me Tender.”
- Says: Developed and designed lesson semester lesson plans for 6 junior high schools.
- Means: Played bingo and/or hangman 6 periods per day for six straight months.
- Says: Responsible for all municipal international correspondence and communications.
- Means: Wrote the letter to the replacement JET before going home.
- Says: Translated and edited board of education documents.
- Means: Changed all the r’s to l’s and l’s to r’s.
- Says: Served as international representative for official and civic activities.
- Means: Stumbled around the o-bon dance circle after consum- ing significant amounts of alcohol.
- Says: Created and designed promotional guide materials for international visitors.
- Means: Came up with fictional names for the hodge-podge of nameless streets in my inaka town that no tourist will ever set foot in.
- Says: Initiated city-wide language study and cultural exchange program for 12 public pre-schools.
- Means: Had to dress up and play Santa at all of the local yochiens.
- Says: Developed and taught seminar on cross-cultural teaching and communication at national JET conference for over 500 JET teachers.
- Means: Taught foreign English teachers how to play bingo and/or hangman. Then got ripped, down and over for three days at taxpayers’ expense.
- Says: Organized and led 13 events for junior high school sports’ festival involving over 400 students.
- Means: Did the NHK radio exercises and then outsprinted twenty 12-year olds.
- Says: Conducted presentations addressing International Relations.
- Means– Showed a group of adults in your town pictures of your family.
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