Nov 11

By Preston Hatfield (Yamanashi-ken, 2009-10) for JQ magazine. Preston moved from San Francisco to New York City in January 2012 and is now accepting submissions from people who want to be his friend. Abduct him from his house in the middle of the night, or find him on Facebook and ask about his JET blog in which he details his exploits […]

Aug 25

Notable JET Alums: Maynard Plant and Monkey Majik

Maynard Plant (Aomori-ken, 1997-2000) is the founder of the well-known Japan-based band Monkey Majik (, which consists of two Canadian members (Maynard and his brother Blaise) and two Japanese members-tax and DICK. For more information you can check out their: Website: Wikipedia entry (where you’ll learn about the origins of the band as well […]

Feb 8

Miyagi AJET to host Feb 17 “Cultures United” event to promote multiculturalism in Miyagi

Thanks to Andy Anderson for sharing this information originally sent by Miyagi AJET Co-President Cameron Peek regarding an upcoming Miyagi AJET event: “On February 17th we will be holding “Cultures United,” an event promoting multiculturalism in Miyagi, and advertising the efforts of foreign members of the community towards helping rebuild after the earthquake.  JET participants are going to […]

Sep 20

Here’s info on a charity concert (“charity live”) by JET alum Maynard Plant’s (Aomori-ken, 1997-2000) hit band Monkey Majik in Sendai on October 16th, as part of their ongoing effort to support rebuilding and recovery in Tohoku, in their capacity as Tohoku Tourism Ambassadors. 東北観光親善大使「モンキーマジック」がチャリティライブを開催します! 2011年9月12日 震災から6ヶ月が経過してもなお、復興までのプロセスには数多くの方の継続的なご支援が必要であるとあらためて実感すると同時に、活動を通じて人間一人一人の助け合いの力強さ、素晴らしさに日々感動を憶えてきました。 そしてこの出来事を全国の皆様に伝え続けて行かなくてはならないという強い想いから、プロジェクト第3弾となるチャリティライブを故郷 被災地 仙台で開催することを決断しました。 「音楽」の力を通じて、参加してくれた方々、さらに被災地の方々の一歩前へ踏み出す気持ちへの後押しとなり、心の早期復興への一助となるような1日を共に作り上げたいと強く願っております。 本公演に於ける売上金の一部を義援金、寄付金として、再び公的機関を通じて被災地へ送ります。 〈公演概要〉 東日本大震災復興支援プロジェクト MONKEY MAJIKチャリティライブ「SEND愛」 ~MONKEY MAJIKがゲストを迎えてのチャリティライブ~ 日程:2011年10月16日(日)開場13:00開演14:00 会場:セキスイハイムスーパーアリーナ(グランディ21) […]

Aug 22

*********** JETAA Ottawa President Lisa Mallin (Chiba-ken, 2006-08) does a great job on Ottawa’s Channel A morning show of promoting “JETAA dogs” (Japan-inspired hotdogs) along with the entire Ottawa Japanese Summer Festival.  Make sure to watch to the end where Lisa also helpfully informs the host that Sendai-based band Monkey Majik was started by JET […]

Jun 6

Monkey Majik JET alum rocker and Ambassador Fried deliver Canadian beef to Tagajo, Miyagi

Thanks to JETAA Ottawa President Lisa Malin for sharing this: Brief English summary of Japanese article below: Canada’s Ambassador to Japan Jonathan T. Fried delivered a load of Canadian beef to Tagajo City, Miyagi Prefecture along with Maynard Plant (Aomori-ken, 1997-2000) and one other member of Monkey Majik (a four-person Canadian-Japanese band based in Sendai […]

Dec 3

WITvid #4: Monkey Majik – “Change”

WITvid is a periodic series by Peter Weber (Saitama-ken 2004-07), the JET Program Coordinator in San Francisco. Some of you may have heard of the popular band in Japan, Monkey Majik, but did you know the lead singer,  Maynard Plant (Aomori, 1997-00) is a Canadian JET Alumni! Here is their song Change with the Yoshida […]

Jun 2

JETAA Canada National Conference Keynote Speech – May 30, 2009 – Toronto By Steven Horowitz (Aichi-ken, Kariya-shi, 1992-94) IMPORTANCE OF COMMUNICATION Minasan, Ohayo gozaimasu. 1.  First, I’d like to thank JETAA Canada and Gloria Ma and everyone else involved with this conference for inviting me here to speak today.  As an American, I have to […]

Sep 21

Bands Boyle, Brian (Gifu-ken, 2000-03) – Her Majesty Endo, Shun – The Liquid Now Kennedy, James – Brilliant Pebbles Plant, Maynard – Monkey Majik (Wikipedia link) Walker, Philip – Walker from IOWA (Twitter)   Producers Hart, Adren Songwriters Ackerson, Aaron (Prefecture, Years) –  Also, good blog (no longer active) at – Humorous songwriters

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