May 3

JQ Magazine: Concert Review—Yoshiki Classical World Tour Dazzles San Francisco with Surprise X Japan Guest

  By Shirong Gao (Shiga-ken, 2005-07) for JQ magazine. A member of JETAA Northern California, Shirong is a graphic designer, Illustrator, and breakfast food lover who worked in a Japanese countryside as seen only in Studio Ghibli movies. For more, visit Every night, as a child drifting off to sleep, I looped a rock […]

Aug 31

New “JET Alumni Non-Profit Group” on LinkedIn

Arisa Takahashi (CIR, 1991-94), the Treasurer for JETAA Northern California, has started a much-needed new LinkedIn group for JETs and JET alumni for those working in or interested in non-profit organizations and related fields. CLICK HERE to sign up for the JET Alumni Non-Profit Group on LinkedIn.  (Or just do a search for it on […]

Apr 22

Below is a list of various JET alum sub-groups. *Did we leave one out?  E-mail jetwit [at] so we can add it. *If you don’t see what you’re looking for, feel free to step up and create the group yourself.  All you have to do is create a Yahoo, Google, Facebook or LinkedIn group.  […]

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