Mar 5

Job: Aggregation Quality Analyst – Indeed Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan)

Posted by Sydney Sparrow. Click here to join the JETwit Jobs Google Group and receive job listings even sooner by email.

Job Title: Aggregation Quality Analyst
Posted by:
Indeed Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Contract: Full-Time

Thanks to JET alum, Zandra Gilmore (Tokushima-ken) for the following job opening:

Aggregation Quality Analyst position at Indeed Toky0


Zandra would be happy to answer any questions about the position–the job title may be a little off-putting but she states, “Indeed is a great place to work” and they’re basically looking for anyone with good problem-solving skills and proficient in both English and Japanese. If you’re interested do *not* apply yourself, send Zandra your cover letter/resume and she’ll submit them through their internal referral process. The hiring manager is giving preference to internal referrals.  You can contact Zandra at


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