Sep 7

From the Kahoku Online Network:

震災で犠牲の米国人ALT 志文庫に託す 遺族が絵本寄贈



And here’s a very rough summary in English:

“American ALT, lost in the disaster, is memorialized in a library; Family donates picture books”

The reading corner / library contains copies of books that Taylor read growing up. The dedication ceremony was held at Mangokuura Elementary, with 64 of Taylor’s former 5th grade students attending. There are 40 books in the shelves, which were built by Endo-san, a woodworker who lost his three children to the tsunami – two of whom were Taylor’s students at Watanoha Elementary School. Endo-san said that he built the shelves thinking about how bright and genki Taylor was, and that this project helped him to move forward with his own life, too. Andy Anderson told the students that he will be happy if they read books and hold on to their dreams in life.


one comment so far...

  • 6 months and 10 years « Gaijin Teacher Otaku Said on September 11th, 2011 at 3:50 pm:

    […] Their memory lives on because others care too. We’re all connected, whether we’re an American family continuing the legacy of their daughter in Japan, a Japanese man who used his grief to change lives in Afghanistan, or ex-JET blogger in America […]

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